Making Change

Posted: February 4, 2025Categories: ,

Making Change

This Waitangi Day 2025, we’re reflecting on wāhine Māori thought leadership for activism and advocacy:

The quotes above are just some of the huge encouragement for change-makers which incredible thinkers have shared in our community kōrero over the last five years. These particular quotes from Tracey McIntosh, Debbie Ngarewa-Packer and Ngāhuia te Awekōtuku speak to collective vision, courage, perseverance, hope and – yes – joy.

The images above are a preview of  “Making Change”, a series of free postcards currently at the printers! The niho taniwha design by Te Whanake Creative represents strength, unity and coming together to support and create something even more powerful.

We’ll be sending the cards out to show appreciation to various groups and organisations, and the postcards will also be available at our reception and our next community kōrero (TBA).

Huge thanks to all those who helped make this happen, especially the leaders who generously gave their permission to be quoted – and who gave us these GLORIOUS ideas in the first place! For more amazing kōrero, go to our list of past community forums.

Thank you for your interest in our Making Change postcards – we’re so pleased they resonate with you! 

You may share and distribute one or more of these images if 1. it’s for non-commercial purposes, and 2. you credit “Auckland Women’s Centre”, and 3. you do not tweak or change the image at all (no adaptations). This is a Creative Commons licence: CC BY-NC-NDThe text of the quotes can of course also be shared (without the image) – you’ll find Tracey McIntosh’s here; Debbie Ngarewa-Packer’s here; and Ngāhuia te Awekōtuku’s here.