Equal pay amendment bill needs improvements
A good start – but it needs improvements. In June 2018 women’s average hourly earnings were 13.9% less than men’s. We need legislation that will quickly close this pay gap. Read the article here.
A good start – but it needs improvements. In June 2018 women’s average hourly earnings were 13.9% less than men’s. We need legislation that will quickly close this pay gap. Read the article here.
He waka eke noa. We’re all in this together. That was the strong message coming the Women and Disability forum held on 13 March. Dr Huhana Hickey, human rights campaigner, outlined the need for intersectionality – a uniting of women (whether disabled or non-disabled), Māori and Pacific people, and those who identify as LGBTQI ...
On 18 April the Government made the long-awaited announcement that it would provide money to settle caregiver Kristine Bartlett’s historic pay equity claim. The settlement will be phased in gradually over five years, and will increase pay for the overwhelmingly female workers in aged residential care, home support and disability services. Read the article here.
Which Party will help women? Read our review of this forum.
The National-led Government will have been in power for nine years by the time this year’s election is held on 23 September. But women are worse off now than we were in 2008. Why? Read the article here.
Over 120 women and up to a dozen men packed out Western Springs Community Hall to participate in the forum, Women, Poverty and Prejudice: Feminism and the 2017 Election in mid July, on the coldest night of the year so far. Read the article here.
The Family and Whānau Violence Legislation Bill explicity deletes gender from the discussion. Read the article here.
The Ministry of Social Development has informed us that in May our contract with it for our SKIP Positive Parenting Project would not be reviewed. Read the article here.
Our powerful and heart warming speakers shared how they each parent against the patriarchy. Read the article here.
This Bill, currently before the Parliamentary Select Committee is strongly weighted in the interests of liable parents, most of whom are fathers. If passed it will further impoverish single mothers and their children. Below is a submission by the Auckland Coalition for the Safety of Women and Children urging all parties to vote against the ...