Menopause Information Session

Menopause Information Session

A presentation open to all who want to know more about managing peri-menopause (the lead up to menopause) and menopause

An informative session for those who are experiencing or anticipating Menopause (known as Peri-menopause), or who wish to support or are just curious about it. All are welcome. An in depth and empowering event: developing an understanding of Peri/Menopause, why our hormones behave the way they do and the effects this can bring. Looking at self-care, strategies, natural and medical options including the latest research.

If you would like to gather together a few friends and have a fun (truly!!) afternoon learning, chatting and laughing about all things Menopause book your place!

This includes a presentation, lots of up to date, accurate information, product examples, a Q&A and fun! Humorous, Informative & Current.

The same weekend, Auckland Women’s Centre is screening The M Factor: Shredding the Silence on Menopause. For free tickets to this event, book them here!


Dates Friday 8 November
Time: 7:00pm-9:30pm
Location 4 Warnock St, Grey Lynn
Cost $30

Robyn Fausett

Robyn is the CEO, researcher and programme writer at Nest Consulting, a social enterprise dedicated to the equitable provision of health and wellbeing information.

Robyn is a nurse specialist, an international speaker and a published author, with a particular interest in workplace wellbeing, women’s health, RSE education and mental health.

Robyn is a member of Menopause Collective Aotearoa NZ, who recently met with parliamentary members to discuss menopause reforms, the Australasian Menopause Society, the International Menopause Society, and Menopause Experts International. She is also accredited by Natural Fertility NZ providing CME & professional development to healthcare professionals.

Feedback from previous participants:

“It is excellent. Informative, accesible, humourous, inclusive. If we would continue to promote these conversations it would be awesome.”

“Laughed, cried, laughed some more.”

“Robyn is exceptionally aware and accepting of diversity and individualism. You can tell she geniunley cares about the subject and her audience.”

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