Open and Honest

Open and Honest

Talking to children about sex, sensuality and sexuality

A free, two session workshop for parents and caregivers run by Family Planning. Develop the skills and learn information to support you to be the first sexuality educator of your children and teenagers.

This workshop is open to all genders and is held online via zoom.

This course includes:

How to create a positive and safe environment for talking about relationships and sexuality with young people

Current research and trends

Exploring personal values and attitudes towards sexuality

Barriers that prevent young people from enjoying positive relationships and sexual health

Practice responding to questions and tricky situations

Recommended resources, support agencies and organisations

It includes values exploration and aims to build comfort and confidence around this topic.

Dates Tuesdays 10th & 17th May
Time 7:00pm – 8:30pm
Location online via Zoom

Family Planning

This free workshop is run thanks to Family Planning.

For more information on talking to your children about sex and sexuality go to the Family Planning website.

Feedback from previous participants:

“Fantastic facilitation – engaging, knowledgeable, fabulous.”

“A great reminder of the importance of making space, listening, dialogue, trust and having the facts. Thank you!”

“This workshop taught me the value of opening conversations to break the ice and normalise healthy conversations and learning.”