Gender analysis essential to eliminating violence
The Family and Whānau Violence Legislation Bill explicity deletes gender from the discussion. Read the article here.
The Family and Whānau Violence Legislation Bill explicity deletes gender from the discussion. Read the article here.
The Ministry of Social Development has informed us that in May our contract with it for our SKIP Positive Parenting Project would not be reviewed. Read the article here.
This Bill, currently before the Parliamentary Select Committee is strongly weighted in the interests of liable parents, most of whom are fathers. If passed it will further impoverish single mothers and their children. Below is a submission by the Auckland Coalition for the Safety of Women and Children urging all parties to vote against the ...
This is a submission to the Government’s Green Paper on vulnerable children from the Coalition for the Safety of women and Children. Read the article here.
A report analysing all female offenders arrested for domestic violence in Auckland City Police district over a six month period (April to September 2008) identifies key differences between male and female offenders. Read the report here.
An article on the nature of contemporary sexualisation in advertising by Ros Gill, Gender Institute, London School of Economics. Read the article here.